BREYER eco·line coextrusion
Production of multilayer tubes
Due to its modular design, each BREYER extrusion line can be configured to match your production requirements. Even a mono tube line can be expanded into a co-extrusion line later on without any problem.
With a co-extrusion line you can build up not only individual functional layers but also achieve impressive visual characteristics. We equip your system with up to four extruders depending on your requirements .
The following tube configurations are possible:
- single-wall tube
- double-wall tube
- triple-wall tube
- five-wall tube with barrier layer and symmetric layer composition
- five-wall tube with barrier layer and different inside and outside layers
- window tube

BREYER eco·line
Extrusion lines for tubes
When it comes to tube packaging for the cosmetics industry, perfection and a professional design are paramount. However, packaging must also be manufactured economically.