BREYER Energy Management and Noise Reduction
Intelligent energy management for tube extrusion lines – energy savings of up to 25 %. BREYER now offers different energy saving modules for tube extrusion lines such as:
Energy Saving Module 3
Noise reduction of the complete line of up to 50%!
By using the different modules BREYER achieves a noise reduction for the complete tube line by 11 dB (A) on average. This corresponds to a reduction of approx. 50% of the complete noise level compared to a tube line without noise protection.
This reduction is achieved due to the use of:
- torque motors (direct drives, water cooled > see also module 1
- encapsulation on the calibrator and on extruder > see also module 2
- special vacuum pumps
Energy Saving Module 4
Slow down function and Standby function
- Slow down: minimisation of output capacity (in case of production problems on downstream)
- Slow down: automatic or manual restart of the line from low to high production level
- Slow down: production level in slow down mode variably adjustable
- Standby: reduction of heating temperature variably adjustable, therefore short restart time
- Slow down / Standby: easy to operate by pushing the button on the display
- Reduction of overproduction and energy-saving in case of disfunction on downstream lines (header, printer, etc.)
- Coordinated release of the heat and drive capacities, enabling reduction of the installed power capacity as well as current peaks