BREYER Services
Service providers can be found anywhere. True partners are a rare find.
The engineering of extrusion lines is similar to everyday life – we grow with the job. Therefore, every new task represents a new challenge for us.
Before your system or machine is finally put into operation, it is given a last full and thorough examination by us. You can rest assured that no stone is left
unturned and quality is checked right down to the last detail. Your
BREYER extrusion line is guaranteed to remain a good investment throughout its long life. On this, we give you our word.
An extrusion line from BREYER is built to run day in, day out, irrespective of the conditions or the location. Solid machine construction from the ground up combined with robust operating procedures and a secure design, go a long way in ensuring this. Our specialists are always there to support you with advice and positive action. When it comes to the crunch, also on site.